
Dedicated to the days

  1. AMINO Yoshihiko, historian of modern Japan
  2. At the campus of university
    Dedicated Wako University Library
  3. At the lawn terrace before library
    Dedicated YAMAZAKI Shoho
  4. CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague
  5. CHINO Eiichi Fortuitous meeting
  6. Coffee shop named California
    Dedicated CHINO Eiichi
  7. From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi-Distance
    Dedicated to CHINO Eiichi
  8. Geometry is the only one expression for me
    to describe language universals
    containing the time
    which is one of the important elements of meaning
    Dedicated CHINO Eiichi
  9. Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s
    Dedicated Wittgenstein, Gödel, Pascal, WANG Guowei, Bourbaki
    and Linguistic Circle of Prague
  10. Hurrying up to library
    Dedicated Wako University Library
  11. KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom
  12. KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki Late spring trip
  13. Language and I
    Dedicated CHINO Eiichi
  14. Letter to the library Abridged version
    Dedicated Wako University Library
  15. Linguistic Circle of Prague
    Dedicated CHINO Eiichi
  16. NISHI Junzo, Philosopher of Modern Japan
  17. Intuition and Mathematics
    Dedicated NISHI Junzo
  18. Natary MURAVIJOVA Russian Language Class
  19. ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren
  20. Papa Wonderful. Professor Momose
    Dedicated CHINO Eiichi
  21. PW. University
    Dedicated Wako University
  22. PW. History
    Dedicated KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki and NISHI Junzo
  23. PW. Drizzling Rain
    Dedicated Tokyo University of Foreign Language and Wako University
  24. Rhododendron has come out this year 2017
    Dedicated KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki and ONO Katsutoshi
  25. Symbolism of Japan, Haiku. I learnt from SAEKI Shoichi
  26. Under the dim light
    Dedicated CHINO Eiichi

15 April 2022
Sekinan Library

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